Peet is short for Peter, born in 1964, living in Almere, Netherlands. Travelling has been my inspiration all my life, wanderings around the world, inside my own imagination and dreams. The photos, travel tales and poems are a result of that journey. This journey started when I travelled with my father to Egypt. Since I have travelled across all continents (except Antartica), over 40 countries, in groups and alone. My greatest adventure being a round the world trip of 8 months in 2000-2001. A journey to wondrous places, people and nature. Also a journey into myself, asking why I need to escape to a next destination. See my story 'The great escape'.
In 2008 I was met by the kind smile of a Thai woman, not in a faraway place, but closer to home. I had been too shy, and unlucky in love until that moment. But this time was different. She saw in me what even I could not see. 1 1/2 year later we married at a Thai beach resort. Her and my family witnesses a traditional Thai wedding with monks and a western wedding. The day ended perfectly with BBQ dinner, live music and lanterns rising to the sky.
Later we found that her Buddhist believes, the Anapanasati sutra, and my interest in the teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh matched to a great extend. Since about 10 years I am practicing mindfulness, and it brought me more peace than all the wanderings across the world I have done. Breath in and out. Awake to the present moment. Be alive and live here and now, as the miracle of life is happening all around you at this very moment. It is only thing that truly matters.
Satu, Amen.